Dear clients we have some maintenance work being completed at our Rochester branch so we will be moving all care to our Walderslade branch from Monday 5th August until further notice. You can contact Walderslde directly on 01634 684440.

Please click here to view the latest information on how to access our services.

If you love animals and want to work in animal healthcare but don’t know where to start, then look no further!

At Warren Hoiuse Vets we love supporting people from all backgrounds to get the job of their dreams. Visit the Secondary School page on our central Linnaeus webpage for more information.

We would be delighted to be able to offer you work experience in our practice to get firsthand experience of a role in the veterinary profession.

You can find out more about placements in our practice in Kent, such as what you might get to see and do, by contacting us here and asking to speak to the Nurse Training Lead or EMS Coordinator.